
I'm a South African based software engineer, web developer, and data scientist with over 4 years profesional experience. I've worked in a variety of technical, leadership, product, and analytic roles. I'm passionate about making a positive difference in the world. I'm currently the Founding Engineer at Strive, an edtech company trying to change the way we teach math and coding.


  • Strive Education

    • Founding Engineer

      Aug 2022 — Present

      Maintained core backend and frontend infrastructure. Developed technical solutions to a variety of internal problems. Lead individual contributor on numerous projects. Technologies: Next.js, React, Airtable, Posthog, Supabase, GCP.

  • Kandua

    • Technical Lead

      Oct 2021 — Aug 2022

    • ML Engineer

      Aug 2021 — Aug 2022

      Deployed and maintained an end-to-end machine learning model built to predict the prices of leads in a 2-way job market. Technologies: Docker, Python, GCP, PostgreSQL.

    • Full Stack Engineer

      May 2021 — Aug 2022

  • Percept

    • Data Scientist

      Mar 2020 — May 2021

      Provided mathematical analysis to a variety of business and governmental problems. Built and maintained full-stack web applications. Mathematically modelled and was the technical lead for the Actuarial Society of South Africa's Covid model.

  • Explore Data Science Academy

    • Data Scientist Course Facilitator

      Jan 2019 — Mar 2020

      Taught data science to over 100 students at the EDSA JHB Campus.


Awards & Honors

  • S2A3 award

    Stellenbosch University | 2018

    Awarded to the most outstanding Master's thesis in a scientific field of study.

  • Chancellor's Medal

    Wits University | 2016

    One of Wits University's highest academic honors. Awarded to the top graduating student across all fields of study.

  • Samuel Goodman Memorial Medal

    Wits University | 2016

    Awarded to the most distinguished Honours graduate across the Faculty of Science.

  • William Cullen Medal

    Wits University | 2015

    Awarded to the most distinguished Bachelor of Science graduand in the Faculty of Science.